Thursday, November 29, 2012

Select for update skip locked

In SQL, there is this possibility to lock the rows you select, warning this way the rest of the world that you may very well modify them.
Let's say you want to reserve the 10 first rows of the EMPLOYEES table of your HR schema.
In Oracle's SQL*Plus, this would look like this:
 SQL> select employee_id from employees where rownum <= 10 for update skip locked;
This would return a report like this:
The problem is that, when we issue the same command from another process or thread, no row is returned, even if unlocked rows are available in the table:
The reason for that is that the 10 first records are already locked, and identified by their rownum.

The idea is to get the first unlocked records, and then to lock them. Let's try the following PLSQL block:
set serveroutput on

   counter integer := 0;
   cursor emp_curs is
     select employee_id from employees for update skip locked;
   emp_row emp_curs%ROWTYPE;
   emp_id employees.employee_id%TYPE;
   open emp_curs;
     fetch emp_curs into emp_row;
     exit when emp_curs%NOTFOUND;
     counter := counter + 1;
     select employee_id into emp_id from employees where employee_id = emp_row.employee_id for update;
     dbms_output.put_line('-> Locked: ' || to_char(emp_id));
     if counter >= 10 then
     end if;
   end loop;
We just display the rows we want to lock.
We run it:
Records with EMPLOYEE_ID 100 to 109 are selected, and locked.
Now, before releasing the lock, let's run it from another process or thread:
That works, records with EMPLOYEE_ID 110 to 119 are selected.
Etc, etc.
In our case, we used EMPLOYEE_ID as the key for the records. We could have as well used the ROWID. It also uniquely identifies the records to lock, and this in any case. In that case, the script becomes:
   counter integer := 0;
   cursor emp_curs is
     select e.*, rowid from employees e for update skip locked;
   emp_row emp_curs%ROWTYPE;
   emp_id employees.employee_id%TYPE;
   open emp_curs;
     fetch emp_curs into emp_row;
     exit when emp_curs%NOTFOUND;
     counter := counter + 1;
     select employee_id into emp_id from employees where rowid = emp_row.rowid for update;
     dbms_output.put_line('-> Locked: ' || to_char(emp_id));
     if counter >= 10 then
     end if;
   end loop;
It is even possible to use dynamic SQL to do this job (this is on another schema, as you can tell):
set serveroutput on size 3000
 set ver off
 set timing on
 accept nbrows2lock prompt 'Max Nb of Rows to Lock > '
 -- +---------------------------------------------------
   maxReturnedRows integer   := &nbrows2lock;
   table_name varchar2(128)  := 'QUEUE_2100';
   vch_tsolabel varchar2(64) := 'MANAGE_USER'; 

   counter integer             := 0;
   sql_stmt_One varchar2(4096) := '';
   vch_hint varchar2(128)      := '/*+ Rule */';
   tsoidvar varchar2(60);
   orderidvar varchar2(60);
   msisdnvar varchar2(60);
   imsivar varchar2(60);
   priorityvar number(4,0);
   instmsdt date;
   row_id rowid;

   type QueueCursorType is ref cursor;
   queue_curs_var QueueCursorType;     
   type recordType is record
     row_id      rowid,
     tsoidvar    varchar2(60),
     orderidvar  varchar2(60),
     msisdnvar   varchar2(60),
     imsivar     varchar2(60),
     priorityvar number(4,0),
     instmsdt    date
   recordHolder recordType;
   type tableOfRecord is table of recordType index by binary_integer;
   tableHolder tableOfRecord;
   i integer := 1; -- Index for tableOfRecord
   sql_stmt_One := 'SELECT ' || vch_hint || ' rowid, '                         ||
                                            ' t.tsoid, '                       ||
                                            ' nvl(t.orderid, '''') orderid, '  ||
                                            ' nvl(t.msisdn, '''')  msisdn, '   ||
                                            ' nvl(t.imsi, '''')    imsi, '     ||
                                            ' nvl(t.priority, 1)   priority, ' ||
                                            ' t.ins_tms  '                     ||
                   'FROM ' || table_name || ' t ' ||
                   'WHERE t.bp_flag = 0 and '     ||
                         't.tsolabel = :1 '       ||
                   'for update skip locked';
   open queue_curs_var for sql_stmt_One using vch_tsolabel;
     -- --------------------------------------------------------------
     -- The trick is to have an 'exit when' before and after the fetch
     -- --------------------------------------------------------------
     exit when counter = maxReturnedRows;
     fetch queue_curs_var 
     into row_id,
     exit when queue_curs_var%NOTFOUND;
     counter := counter + 1;
     dbms_output.put_line('Locking row #' || to_char(counter));
     -- for tests. Concurrent locks...
     if false then -- set to true to wait
       dbms_lock.sleep(1); -- Needs grant execute from SYS
     end if;
     recordHolder.row_id      := row_id;
     recordHolder.tsoidvar    := tsoidvar;
     recordHolder.orderidvar  := orderidvar;
     recordHolder.msisdnvar   := msisdnvar;
     recordHolder.imsivar     := imsivar;
     recordHolder.priorityvar := priorityvar;
     recordHolder.instmsdt    := instmsdt;
     tableHolder(i) := recordHolder;
     i := i + 1;
   end loop;
   close queue_curs_var;
   dbms_output.put_line('Done with the array, ' || to_char(counter) || ' entry(ies)');
   if counter > 0 then
     -- Loop on the selected values to process them
     for i in tableHolder.FIRST..tableHolder.LAST loop
       dbms_output.put_line ('Processing [' || tableHolder(i).tsoidvar || ']');
       -- Processing takes place here
       execute immediate 
       'update ' || table_name || ' t ' ||
       'set t.bp_flag = 1 ' ||
       'where rowid = :1'
       using tableHolder(i).row_id;
     end loop;
     dbms_output.put_line('No record to manage');
   end if;
   when others then
     dbms_output.put_line('ERR:' || sqlerrm);
 show errors
We are actually using here the same kind of technique as above, having the SQL generated dynamically does not make much difference. We are using the ROWID approach. Notice the following details:
  • The exit when statement, before and after the fetch of the first cursor
  • The way we populate a table of records, so we can handle it after putting the lock
  • The dbms_lock.sleep, for tests, that allows to simulate what happens if two or more such blocks are executed at the same time. We actually see that it makes no problem, no row can be locked more than once. It is interesting to understand that, for the first cursor (that has a for update clause), the lock is actually set when the record is fetched. This explains the exit when mechanism mentionned above.
This being said, this block behaves like the one described at the top of this post, it selects a given number of unlocked rows from a table, this selection having the possibility to be done simultaneously from several processes or threads that do not have to wait for any lock to be released before returning the expected result.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hanoi Tower

The backend algorithm is just a few lines big..., it's all about rendering.
This browser does not support Applets. It could be a matter of authorization. Or install Java or use another browser...
The core code is pretty cool:
 public class BackendAlgorithm
   public static void move(int n, String from, String to, String using)
     if (n == 0)
     move(n-1, from, using, to);
     HanoiContext.getInstance().fireMoveRequired(from, to); // Broadcast the move
     move(n-1, using, to, from);
Again, it's mostly about rendering... 99% of the code of the applet above is for the graphical display!
The simplest user interface would look like this:
 package hanoitower;
 public class BackendAlgorithm
   public static void move(int n, String from, String to, String using)
     if (n == 0)
     move(n-1, from, using, to);
     System.out.println("Moving from " + from + " to " + to);
     move(n-1, using, to, from); 
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
     move(Integer.parseInt(args[0]), "A", "C", "B"); // Moving A to C using B
Run it this way:
 Prompt> java hanoitower.BackendAlgorithm 4
 Moving from A to B
 Moving from A to C
 Moving from B to C
 Moving from A to B
 Moving from C to A
 Moving from C to B
 Moving from A to B
 Moving from A to C
 Moving from B to C
 Moving from B to A
 Moving from C to A
 Moving from B to C
 Moving from A to B
 Moving from A to C
 Moving from B to C