Friday, May 09, 2014

Embedded small screen on the Raspberry PI

Adafruit provides a small touch screen, the size of the Raspberry PI... It works like a charm! See below...
It comes with detailed explanations about the way to setup the software.
The only thing I had to mess with was the hardware..., the way to hook up the screen on the board.
I must be a software guy... ;0)
And with the 26-pin connector on the right (under the board), you can still use the cobbler.
The ncurses menu at startup turned out to be useful.
There is a soft keyboard that can be useful too in this context. Install it by running
 sudo apt-get install matchbox-keyboard
Here is what it can look like:

The screenshot above is taken using scrot,
 sudo apt-get install scrot
Cool stuff.
A Swing UI works fine on this little screen, even if it may need to be reworked to fit the screen. But it's all good.