Thursday, May 07, 2015

Web Console improvements

With the Raspberry PI now able to behave as an Access Point, almost all devices can connect to it (Apple, Android, all kind of phones or tablets). Using an HTML5 enabled browser makes live easier than writing a dedicated application for the given Operating System.
That's why we now have some improvements in the Web Console:
See above the "Night" scheme, with or without borders for the displays
Same for the "Day" scheme.

The HTML5 console is accessed from http://machine:port/html5/console.html, default port being 9999.
If you have installed node.js and the WebSocket user-exit, then you access the WebSocket console from http://machine:9876/data/
It is still self-contained, no external framework is used (like JQuery et al). Those are great - for sure - but this is to be run on a boat at sea, with Internet out of reach.
Notice on the snapshots that several data come from some sensors hooked-up on the Raspberry PI. They can be shown or hidden from the preferences or from the Console Admin page.
Notice that the Console Admin page has been removed from the Console, it can now be accessed from a separate URL, on the admin port (8080 by default) at http://machine:port/html5/admin.html, started when the console is in headless mode:
The default values on the pages above come from the Desktop Preferences.
And there is now a CLI (Command Line Interface) for to access those preferences from a non-graphical environment (like on the Raspberry PI).
The class to launch is olivsoftdesktop.PreferencesCLI. An entry will added soon in the User Interfaces.

All this runs fine on the Raspberry PI, all the snapshots above have been taken with the Raspberry PI run node.js as server.

An idea...

Anyone with a smartphone or a tablet can access those live data. The problem is to type in the right URL...
Once you have chosen your configuration (IP address and ports), you can generate QR Code ( worked for me), print them, and post them somewhere in the boat. Whoever wants to reach the data just uses his QR Scanner - all smart stuffs have at least one - and boom! You're in!

HTML5 console

HTML5 WebSocket console

HTML5 Admin console
Those pages support query string parameters theme and border. theme can be 'white' or 'black', border can be 'Y' or 'N'.
Like in http://machine:9999/html5/console.html?theme=white&border=N

There are several QR Code generators, including some you can run off-line. This one works just fine, and can be installed on the computer on the boat, so you can generate your codes from anywhere. As you can see here.

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