Even if it is not the most productive way to get work done, it is possible to compile Java files on the Raspberry PI, as well as Scala files. Personally, I prefer to develop in an IDE, and use FTP to push the classes to the Raspberry PI, it's much faster, and the IDE is much more productive than vi.
The explanations I found here got me started.
And again, as Scala runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), all the work done with PI4J is fully available from Scala.
The following code (available on github) shows how to read a BMP180 from Scala:
import adafruiti2c.sensor.AdafruitBMP180 object Scala_101 { def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hello, Scala world!") val bmp180 = new AdafruitBMP180 try { val temp = bmp180.readTemperature val press = bmp180.readPressure / 100 println(s"CPU Temperature : ${SystemInfo.getCpuTemperature}\272C") println(s"Temp:${temp}\272C, Press:${press} hPa") } catch { case ex: Exception => { println(ex.toString()) } } } }
#!/bin/bash # SCALA_HOME=/home/pi/.sbt/boot/scala-2.10.3 PI4J_HOME=/opt/pi4j # CP=$SCALA_HOME/lib/scala-library.jar # CP=$CP:$PI4J_HOME/lib/pi4j-core.jar CP=$CP:../AdafruitI2C/classes CP=$CP:./out/production/Scala.101 # sudo java -classpath "$CP" Scala_101
Hello,Scala world! CPU Temperature :40.6°C Temp:22.5°C, Press:1010.73 hPa
A useful post. Just what I was looking for. Thanks.